Sunday, 25 February 2018

Best Ping Sites List 2018

Best Ping Sites List 2018

What Are Ping Sites?
Ping sites are one kind of online based tool that will submit your given URL to several search engines, directories, communities, content aggregators and some other places.

How To Use Ping Tools?

You simply need to put the URL that you want ping and write the name of that page, then simply click on ping or submit switch to start the process. After some seconds you will see the verification message.

Why You Should Use Ping Services?

There is not any law in constitution that will force you to use ping equipment since you are a SEO or Webmaster; but who will certainly not grab the extra gold coin from the table? Yah, this is just like extra gold coin in the SEO industry. You can index your current site’s URL or your backlink sources very fast and easily with one of these tools. Remember, almost 80% backlinks on the web remains deindexed due to neglecting. Thus, most of the SEO campaigns fail and also don’t see the expected result.

Best Ping Sites List 2018

1 Ping-O-matic 70 5,726
2 Twingly 68 31,696
3 Googleping 54 9,004
4 Pingler 53 14,901
5 Pingdom 87 2,369
6 Pingmyurl 52 13,612
7 Feedshark 58 40,113
8 Pingmylink 32 36,789
9 34 39,132
10 Blogbuzzer 35 106,282
11 Bulkping 37 45,306
12 Pingfarm 35 18,184
13 Icerocket 70 29,896
14 Pingoat 30 43,598
15 Pingsitemap 33 39,764
16 Mypagerank 71 27,789
17 Pingbomb 23 45,771
18 Backlinkping 25 103,651
19 Totalping 55 15,385
20 Smallseotools 57 1,974
21 Use Me 22 264,997
22 Site24x7 57 14,944
23 Kuleping 23 1,102,139
24 Freelinksubmitter 22 284,203
25 Pingthatblog 23 384,949
26 Indexkings 31 23,181
27 Domain Pinger 1 9,716,704
28 Excite Submit 44 169,578
29 Ping My Links 20 218,170
30 Ping My URLs 10 700,187
31 Ping O Matics 7 3,434,339

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